The Pretty Ones (A Kate Reid Novel Book 6) Read online

Page 25

  “Turn around and put your hands up! Now!” Nick aimed his weapon at Patrick. “Don’t think for one second I won’t pull this trigger.”

  “Oh my God.” Kate noticed Dina Knight strapped to the chair and realized they were too late. “Do as he says!” She aimed her weapon at Patrick. Anger welled in her chest and she felt the pressure of the trigger beneath her finger.

  Dwight and Detective Sharpe soon came into view, all weapons pointed head-on at Benjamin Patrick.

  “Looks like you pulled out all the stops.” Patrick set down the hand-held camera and turned toward them with his hands raised high. “What do you think? I think she looks great. Too bad I didn’t quite get to finish my work.” As he turned, blood spatters on his face and clothing became visible.

  Kate looked at the camera and noted it was pointed toward them and saw the red glowing light. She shifted her eyes quickly to Patrick and, in an instant, watched as he drew a gun from his waistband. Time slowed and it seemed every movement that followed was happening as if she was watching a movie in slow motion.

  Patrick’s thumb pressed the side of the gun, releasing the safety and his index finger wrapped around the trigger.

  Kate’s eyes grew wide as she turned to Nick because the gun was pointing at him. She blinked at the crack of a bullet flying from its barrel and the flash of light that followed. Her eyes shifted to Patrick and she watched him crumple to the ground and blood spill from his chest.

  Everything sped up again and Kate turned to Nick. “Did he hit you?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  Detective Sharpe holstered his gun and jogged toward Patrick. He pressed two fingers against the man’s neck. “He’s dead.”

  Dwight had already rushed past them all to check on Dina Knight. He looked to his team and shook his head.

  It was all Kate could do to keep from collapsing from her failure. “God damn it.”

  “I’m sorry, Kate. We did everything we could.” Nick offered comfort and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You found him, though, and you stopped him.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  After waiting for the ambulance and CSI teams and everyone else involved to converge on the scene, the team made all the appropriate statements. Reports had gotten out about the incident and the media was arriving in droves.

  Within a few hours, the team was allowed to return to the precinct to a swarm of even more reporters, many of whom had pushed their way through the station and were unavoidably scattered around. Nick shielded Kate as they walked toward the captain’s office.

  She spotted Marc wandering the halls and stopped.

  “Kate, come on. We need to brief the captain.” He noted her glance to Marc.

  Kate waited for Marc to approach. “I was too late.”

  He took hold of her hands. “You did the best you could. You always do. It’s me who was too late. Too late to realize what I was dealing with in Vince Sanchez. But you stopped the killer.”

  “Sanchez used everyone he could to get what he wanted, including you. I need to go. I think the captain will probably make a statement, if you want to hang around with your people in the lobby.”

  “My people?” He glanced past her. “I suppose they are. Come see me later, if you can. Or call me, okay?”

  She nodded and turned away.

  Inside, the captain’s office was crammed with the entire team. Sharpe’s people and her own.

  “I want you all to know, each and every one of you played a vital role in locating Benjamin Patrick. And I especially thank the FBI for dedicating their resources to help us bring this to a close. We’re preparing a statement now and I’ll be holding a press conference within the hour. I know it’s late and I think you all deserve to get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be much worse once word reaches the public.”

  “Has anyone talked to Andre Knight yet?” Kate asked.

  “No. Not yet,” the captain replied.

  “I’ll tell him.” Sharpe turned to Kate. “It’s my job and I’ll take care of it.” He turned his attention back to the room. “Captain’s right. You all should go and get some rest. There’ll be a lot of clean up tomorrow. Agent Scarborough, will your team be staying?”

  “Of course, we can help out tomorrow, but then I’m sure we’ll be needed back in D.C.”

  “Then it’s settled. Good night, everyone.” Sharpe checked the time. “Or is it morning?” He clapped his hands, dismissing the room. “Agent Reid, can I have a word with you?”

  “Sure.” She turned to Nick. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a few minutes.”

  “Why don’t we go to my office?” Sharpe ushered Kate into the hall and back toward his office. “Sit down for a minute, would you?” Sharpe removed his leather jacket and draped it over the back of his chair. “I can see this wasn’t how you wanted this to turn out. Well, me neither.” He sat down. “But I want you to know something. I don’t work well with others. Most people around here know that about me and have accepted it. So when you offered help, I immediately thought, hell no. I don’t need help from the feds. But then, and please forgive me, I did a little research on you and discovered that you were probably the best person I could’ve had on my team for this investigation. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who has gone through what you have and become a federal agent, let alone a BAU agent. That’s an incredible accomplishment. And I know about Detective Avery too. You can’t work here and not be made aware when an officer is killed in the line of duty. I’m sure he was a good man.” He paused for a moment. “I don’t mean to ramble on. I guess it is late and I’m as tired as the rest of you. This is just my way of saying thanks. Thanks for offering your help. And I truly believe it was because of you, your skills, and possibly even the people you know who were responsible for finding Benjamin Patrick. I am sorry Mrs. Knight died. I’m sorry the other women died too, but at least one was saved.” He stood up and offered his hand. “Agent Reid, I will be letting your superiors know what a fine job you did here. You’ve opened my eyes to the possibility that maybe other points of view are good to have. I’m a stubborn cop, but maybe I can still change.”

  Kate took his hand. “Thank you, detective. It’s been a pleasure to work with you and I learned a lot too. This isn’t how I hoped it would end and I don’t envy you having to tell Andre Knight that his wife died because of what he’d kept secret. I’m sure he’ll suffer every day for what he’s done to his family.” She dropped her hand and turned to leave. “Good night, detective.”

  “Good night, Agent Reid.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  The team entered the lobby of their hotel and headed straight for the elevator.

  “Sharpe asked us to be back by eight a.m.” Dwight checked the time on his watch. “Should give us a solid six hours. That’ll do for me.” He smiled and turned to Nick and Kate, noting their blank expressions. “Okay. Looks like you’re more tired than I thought.”

  They stepped onto the elevator and were silent for the next three floors. When the doors opened, Dwight was the first to exit.

  “Guess I’ll see you two in the lobby at about 7:30?”

  “Yeah. Good night, Dwight,” Kate said.

  “Good night.” He turned just as the doors were closing. “Night, Nick.”

  There was no point in hiding any of it anymore. Dwight knew and so what was the point in pretending she and Nick would be sleeping in separate rooms tonight? Still, Kate was uneasy at the assumption and current arrangement. They’d figured out nothing. Solved nothing. Both offering each other comfort without knowing how it would all turn out.

  The doors opened once again and Kate stepped out first. They walked in silence toward her room and when she retrieved her keycard and slipped it into the slot, he placed his hand on her shoulder, standing inches behind her.

  She opened the door and walked inside.

  “You ready to tell me what’s really wrong yet?” He continued past her inside and walked to the mini fridge to grab a miniature
bottle of Jack.

  Kate watched him pour a drink and refrained from noting that his first inclination was to reach for a drink. This wasn’t the time to battle that demon, even if she believed, or rather, wanted to believe he kept it on a short leash most of the time. It had been a particularly brutal day and he’d killed a man. Perhaps a drink was in order. “I’ll take one of those, if you don’t mind.” She sat on the small loveseat and pushed off her shoes. “I’m sorry for what happened tonight. I know it’s never easy when it ends that way.”

  Nick walked toward her with drinks in hand and offered hers up. “Just means the paperwork will be a bitch.” He feigned a smile and dropped into the seat next to her. “Is that what you’re upset about? I had to take Patrick down or was it because Dina Knight was already gone.”

  “I don’t know, Nick. I guess it’s all those things, but most of all, it was the moment that I froze.”

  “What do you mean? You didn’t freeze up.”

  “I did. You were just too busy making sure Patrick didn’t fire his gun. You were doing what you were supposed to do and that was making sure your team wasn’t in any danger.”

  “That’s part of the job. No different than if it’d been you.”

  “But it was different, Nick. For me, it was different.” She gulped down half the drink. “I thought…” She shook her head and trailed off.

  “You thought what?”

  “I thought he was going to shoot you. I thought you were going to die.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “No, you’re missing my point. I thought you were going to die and all I could think about was what if you had? What if he’d killed you?”

  “Kate.” He placed his hand on her knee. “I was wearing a vest. We all were. We’re also all very highly trained in these situations and know how to protect ourselves and each other.”

  “You still don’t get it. This is exactly the reason why—why I didn’t want us to…”

  “Get involved?”

  “Yes. I just can’t, you know I can’t. Not again.”

  “What does that say of our friendship? That you’d have been okay if I’d been killed because we were just friends?”

  “Of course not. You’re my best friend and it would be devastating.”

  “Then I don’t get the problem here, Kate. This is the job. You know it and I know it. Look, there’ve been plenty of times where I worried like hell you were going to get hurt. You’re so damn pig-headed sometimes. You don’t listen to anybody.”

  A faint smile formed on her lips.

  “See? I’m right, aren’t I? It’s no different. We’re close. That’s a fact. All three of us are and it just comes with the territory.”

  “This was different, though. I hesitated. I watched you and I watched that bullet pierce your body and I watched you fall to the ground and all of this happened in my head. And it stopped me from doing what I needed to do to protect my team.”

  “So you want me to get that job at Quantico? Then you won’t have to worry about me, is that right? It’ll make things easier for you?”

  “I don’t know. Nothing’s ever easy.”


  Snow had begun to fall when Kate arrived at WFO. It was almost Thanksgiving and still a little early for the white stuff, but the sight of it made her smile, even if it melted the moment it hit the ground. And after having just returned from LA, it was nice to get back to a place that experienced seasonal changes.

  Inside, it seemed business as usual, as if none of them had been gone for almost two weeks. They stayed for another three days after the investigation closed to assist with the mounds of cross-jurisdictional paperwork. But now, Kate was back and smiled when she spotted Agent Vasquez at her desk.

  “You’re back?” Vasquez noticed Kate’s approach.

  “We are indeed. And very glad to be.”

  “You mean you didn’t miss being back in Southern California?”

  “Not as much as I thought I would.” Kate sat down and turned on her computer. “You see the guys yet this morning?”

  “No. I haven’t. But I’ve had my nose to the grindstone trying to keep up with your work and my own, so I haven’t paid much attention to anything going on around me.”

  “Ha ha, very funny.”

  “Who’s laughing?” Vasquez smiled.

  “I’ll check Scarborough’s office, see if he’s in there or Jameson’s.” Kate stood back up. “They’re usually together.”

  “They might be with Campbell too. You’ll have to check.”

  “Will do.” Kate continued along the corridor, noting Nick’s light was on, but he wasn’t inside. She hadn’t spoken to him since their return yesterday afternoon but couldn’t recall if he mentioned not being in today. She kept going until reaching Dwight’s office and that was where they were.

  “Kate, come on in. Take a seat.” Dwight motioned her inside.

  “Morning. I was just looking for you,” she said to Nick.

  “Listen, I got a call a few minutes ago from Sharpe. He said he tried you but didn’t get an answer,” Nick began. “Andre Knight committed suicide in his cell last night.”

  “Oh my God.” Kate raised her hand to her mouth. “How the hell did he manage that?”

  “Apparently, he was determined and used the wires from his bedframe and, well, you get the idea.”

  “God, those poor kids.”

  “There was one other thing too,” Dwight added. “Can you reach out to Marc Aguilar? I know he’s running with the story, but just let him know that we can’t comment on it. I’m assuming he’ll call you if you haven’t called him. We need to direct any and all inquiries back to Detective Sharpe. We’re no longer involved, unless called upon in Sanchez’s trial.”

  “Understood. I’ll let him know. Was there anything else?”

  “Not yet. Although I think ASAC Campbell wants to meet with all of us later this afternoon. Are you free?”

  “As a bird.” Kate stood up to leave.

  “Oh and hey, listen, Abby and I have decided to host Thanksgiving at my place. I’ve got the kiddos this year and I thought it’d be nice for you and Nick to come over. What do you think?”

  Kate looked at Nick. “I’m good with that.”

  “Me too.”

  “Great. Then it’s settled. Okay, Nick and I have a few things to go over, so we’ll catch up with you later before we meet with Campbell.”

  “Sounds good.” Kate left the office, wondering what it was those two needed to discuss alone. It must be the job at Quantico. She wondered if they were discussing mentioning it to Campbell yet, in the event Nick was awarded the position.

  It would change everything, that was for certain, and Kate still hadn’t gotten her head around it yet. On the one hand, Nick wouldn’t be in the field as much, which she figured was a good thing. He needed a change. For the past year, maybe longer, she’d seen a transformation in him. He’d begun to lose confidence in what they were doing and why. He’d grown tired of hunting monsters and watching bad things happen to good people. Parents lose their children. People falling prey to the worst of mankind. She couldn’t blame him. Her first-hand knowledge was enough to come to that conclusion.

  But it was who she was now. Maybe she was supposed to pick up where he would leave off? Dwight was a remarkable agent in his own right and he’d been her mentor for a time. It wouldn’t be a difficult transition. At least, not in that respect.

  “You manage to track them down?” Vasquez said as she stopped Kate at the end of the hall.

  “Huh? Oh yeah. I did. They’re in Jameson’s office if you need them.”


  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “When are you going to tell her?” Dwight asked.

  “I don’t know yet. Not for a while. I don’t think I can.”

  “She needs to know, Nick, and the sooner the better.” Dwight twirled a pen between his fingers. “Don’t underestimate her. She’ll handle it.”r />
  Nick began to shake his head. “You weren’t there that night. After we got back to the hotel. After we got Patrick. You didn’t see the look on her face, the tone of her voice.”

  “This too shall pass. Isn’t that what they say? Come on now; we’ve all been through the wringer. It’s time for some change. It’s time to move on. She just needs closure on this. And so do you. In fact, I think I do too.”

  “I know this affects you too.”

  “Look, just think about it. Get it straight in your head and do what you need to do. You’ve underestimated yourself for the past year and I sure as hell don’t want to see that any more. Nick, you’re one of the best agents I know. Certainly the best I’ve had the pleasure to work with. If this is what you need to do, then do it. If this is what it will take to bring you back to the man you know you are, then do it. But this in-between stuff? You and I both know that’s got to stop. It’s not good for anybody.”

  Nick pushed up from the chair. “I hear you. I just need some time to process.” He began to walk away. “So, Thanksgiving at your place, huh?”

  “Yes, sir, and you’d better not miss it. I’m counting on you so I can have a buddy to watch the game with.”

  “Okay, man. I’ll be there.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Kate stepped out of her bathroom, fluffing her hair a final time and smoothing down her skirt. “You ready to go yet? Dwight said to be there by two and it’s almost 1:30.” She emerged from the hall and into the kitchen where Nick stood, scrolling through his cell. “What are you doing? You’re not even dressed yet?”

  “I’ve got pants on,” he said without looking up.

  “Your shirt is lying on the bed. Please, go finish getting dressed. I don’t want to be late. What will Abby think of us?”

  He finally looked up. “You mean, apart from what Dwight has already told her?”